Camping dares us to rethink how we’re going to live during the camping trip, as well as eat and cook. So, how to survive without our everyday kitchen appliances? Easy!


Bread will easily spoil so opt for flatbreads or tortillas, even crackers. You can use them to wrap some veggies or scoop some dip.  While we’re at the topic of carbs, if you’re going to cook on your camping trip, bring some thin pasta or quick-cooking rice. Still, if you can’t imagine your meals without warm bread, there are three bakeries in Camping Village Šimuni with delicious bread baked daily.

Dehydrated food

Dehydrated foods are amazing when you have limited supplies (or no cooking skills). Most dehydrated foods can be prepared only by pouring hot water over them, and voila, you have an instant meal.

Canned goods

Canned goods are the holy grail for any camper because they don’t spoil in extreme temperatures, most come pre cooked and some can be cooked in the can. Try beans or ready sauces, pates, tuna, sardines (hey, or catch your own if you’re near the sea), and even fruit.


If you’re camping in the summer, pack some corn. It’s seasonal, nutritional and a great reason to gather around the grill in our Camp’s grill park.


If your camping trip involves a lot of activities (hiking, swimming), don’t forget to pack power-ups. Wholegrain or energy bars, as well as dry fruit will boost you in a minute.

Avoid meats because they spoil fast, rather choose vegetables which you can prepare wrapped in tin foil on a grill.  Another way to make cooking fun for the entire family is preparing vegetable shish kebabs. Simply slice vegetables, slide them onto a skewer, and have every family member cook their own over a grill!

As you probably know from personal experience, any food can go bad if it’s not properly kept, so be sure to pack your produce in hermetically sealed packaging or preservation boxes. After all the advice, even if you forget to pack something, run out of produce or have a craving for a food you didn’t happen to pack, you can find everything in one of the stores at the Camp. Check out the gastronomic offer at Camping Village Šimuni.

Ready to try out these tips? Book your camping trip!